Monday, November 13, 2006

Viral Videos

Viral Videos are countless in numbers. What they are, essentially, are videos that gain widespread popularity through the inter connectivity that the web offers nowadays. With high speed Internet and blogs and sites like, viral videos have become the new email greeting cards. I often get links to funny or interesting videos on the web from friends -- no longer those obsolete FWDed msgs, but something with multimedia pizzazz.

So many of my friends know and joke in real life about the videos (viral videos at that) that we have all seen. Some that I can think of right away are the Noma Noma dancer, Super Mario Twins Flash video, and the laughing kitty.

Viral Videos have made internet celebrities, caused huge controversies, gotten people fired (the "Mickey Mouse Orgy" at France's Disneyland), disrupted, and changed lives. With the technology to upload something straight from your cell phone to an online host, video blogging and viral videos spread like wildfire and the debate about them is currently raging, especially with elections and such going on.

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